Why Do People Fail On A Vegan Diet, While Others Succeed? Samantha and Laura, both 41-year-old moms with two kids, decided to switch to a ve...

Vegan Diet

Vegan Diet

Vegan Diet

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Why Do People Fail On A Vegan Diet,

While Others Succeed?

Samantha and Laura, both 41-year-old moms with two kids, decided to switch to a vegan diet for 1 month.

After just 1 week, Laura shed 2 pounds  by sticking to the program.

But on week 2, after a night out with friends, she ate a chicken kebab and it was all over from there.

Reasons To Go Vegan

Many people set New Year's resolutions is to lose weight, and eat healthier. However, Forbes indicates that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.

The good news is, research has linked a plant-based "Vegan Diet" with a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, obesity and other life-threatening conditions.

The number of vegans around the world quadrupled between 2014 and 2019, so if you haven't made the switch to a vegan lifestyle then now is the best time to get started!

Reasons To 1 Month Vegan Challenge?

Better Health: By eating more fruits and vegetables will improve your over health and will help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, lowered cholesterol levels, a clearer highly functioning mental state and vibrant, glowing skin.

Environment: Reduce your carbon footprint by 73% this month.

Food: Expand your palette; meat and dairy-free meals allow you to expand your palette and experiment with ingredients you may not have tried before. Right now, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of meat and dairy substitutes on the market that tastes just as delicious, and much better for your health. 

Compassion: Step away from a diet based on cruelty and really think about where your food is coming from.

Personal Growth: You are in competition with yourself! Strengthen your willpower and take back control of your plate!

Only you decide what to eat, cravings don’t.

Results People Experience After Going Vegan For 28 Days

  • A lot more energy
  • Healthier shiny hair
  • Weight loss
  • Better sleep and wake feeling more rested
  • Healthier skin
  • Feel more alive and happy
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment